Goodbye. And Thank You.
Friends and family, it’s time to say goodbye. I’ve weighed and prayed, tried and tried, and marketed my butt off. I’ve reached out and invited people to be part of this musical journey, and genuinely thought I had received God’s calling on my life to return to music.
I see now that I was wrong.
Doors continued to shut, opportunities were not available, “no” was the most prevalent response, and of late, my wife and I have been undergoing a trial of fairly enormous spiritual and social scale, brought on by those who name the name of Christ. Unfortunately, some churches are notorious for shooting their own wounded, and I’m sorry to say one church in particular is doing that. It’s sad, and our hearts tremble, but “God is greater than our hearts.” (1 John 3:20). The most prudent thing I can do now is to provide for my family, and to “make it my ambition to lead a quiet life, mind my own business and work with my hands, so that my daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that I will not be dependent on anybody.” (1 Thess 4:11-14).
For thirty years (with various breaks in between), it has been my utmost fulfillment to write and share music. I’ve been SO privileged to be invited to share it in various forms, and to get out there and present what God has put on my heart, sharing of this journey of redemption. “Human” is my swan song, my oeuvre, my curtain call; and I couldn’t be happier, because I’m so grateful for how it turned out. After all, as The Human League sang, “I’m only human; flesh and blood: a man.” Beyond words, I’m SO grateful. It represents the best of my lyrical work, and best of my musical partnerships. And Legacy, its predecessor, represents SO much powerful writing and music spanning these three decades. I’m very proud of how both turned out, though at the moment I’m admittedly heartbroken.
Thank you to all who supported me over the years…from the bottom of my heart. I remember my very first performance of Season In Season Out at the high school ministry at my old church. It just snowballed from there. I learned a lot in music ministry, and I’m grateful for all of it. To hold a mic and know that you’ve been afforded an immeasurable trust and responsibility: I don’t take it lightly. I’m very grateful to have been able to do so on so many occasions, but it’s time to put the mic back on its stand, and focus on the future.
Thank you again…everyone…thank you. I realize that for some of you, this is the first time you’ve received my blog. You know why I’m writing this, and I want to thank you for your support and friendship too.
With enormous love and gratitude,
Ryan Graves

PS, if you want to see any of our final concert moments, this is the “Human” CD Release concert we just held on 10.20.23. Hope you enjoy them.
Hey man,… I’m so sorry… I feel similar with VO – yet to get a yes outside of work and family… Sorry about the ‘friendly fire’ and all the other issues too… You can never go wrong with sticking things through with family though. Know that you have a great voice and that you can still make music and share that with people.
Thank you buddy. Honestly thinking about backing up and finishing strong with a worship album. Will letcha know. Thanks and blessings!
My disappointment is exponential. I understand and support you. I’ll back you if you choose to drive on.
I have always known and loved that about you, my faithful friend. I love ya Paulie.
I’m so sorry, Ryan. God gives us gifts for so many reasons that we often never know. He will mend your heart with gifts you don’t see coming. Bless you, dear Friend, on your upcoming journey.
With Love & Hugs… Jody H.
Thank you so much, Jody – I appreciate it! Thinking about going out on a worship album, just not touring it. Will keep you posted. Thanks!
Your music – including the aforementioned Season In and Season Out – is a part of the soundtrack of my life, brother. Hang in there… hold on to God’s amazing grace, and I look forward to the many ways He will continue to bless the use of this gift He has given you – your voice! (among so many others) – in the years to come. Grateful for you, brother.
Thank you so much brother, I greatly appreciate it and I remember those days well. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your encouragement and please know that we miss you guys and hope you are doing well! I will keep you posted of future ventures. 🙂
Looking forward to that! The worship album concept sounds fantastic… now I just need to sneak in some BG vocals on one of the tracks. =P
Count on it!
I still have your CD in my car’s player and listen to it on some of my drives 🙂
Thank you man, I appreciate it!