“Human” is here, and my heart is full!
MY CD’s are here! Oh happy day! These turned out SO beautifully…I’m so glad! Check out my happy unboxing video:
This is a wonderful day, and I’m so glad to share it. Thank you to ALL of you who have purchased a CD so far, and the rest of you: get one! It’ll ROCK your human world. 11 songs that speak to the struggles that we humans face, and the redemption that we have in Jesus Christ. I produced this myself! I had SUCH great foundations from people like Chris Cummings, I can’t thank him enough. Thank you Chris! (There’s one more.) And thank you to my beautiful wife Janine for your patience with me with all those trips I took out to the studio to get it done!
You can get your copy of the “Human” CD along with all my other CD’s and merchandise here. Thank you for your support! It all goes towards paying my band for the live gigs that we do, and marketing for more bookings.
And speaking of live gigs, don’t forget to attend the Human CD Release Concert on Friday, October 20th at 7pm at Family Life Community Church in Federal Way. A giant video wall. 15 fantastic songs. A killer band that I am so humbled to play with. And an awesome message. And PRIZES! Don’t forget about the prizes. Check it out and RSVP here.
Thank you again for your support, I’m very grateful and this is an awesome day! Thank you Lord for understanding us humans, and for your patience with us. Thank you that Jesus, our Emmanuel, came to be human and live among us and save us. Praise you Lord!
Ryan Graves

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