June 6th, 2010

Unbelievable.  Powerful.  Terrifying.  Exhilirating.  WAY TOO COOL.  God, thank you for bringing so many people there last night…thank you for the power of music and ensuing testimonials….INCREDIBLY SPECIAL THANKS TO: Pete Dingfield with Light Your Way Productions and Mark Steneide with Steneide Illumination, to David Harris, Josh Dunham and Mike Allen and HTS Audio, to Johanna Chase, to Zach Trandum, to cousin Josh for filming, to Wild Moon Productions for the videography, to  Kulp Photography for once again partnering in great photos, to Dana Eline for dance assistance, to Katie for being a fabulous intern, to Nathan and Pam for your help, to Rachel for your awesomely hugely helpful lyrical stuffness, to Leslie and Carrie for venue setup help and ticket processing, to Nana and Christina for CD sales help, to Scott, Linc, Ryan and several others for security help, and finally, to my band: Chrissy, Marc, Carl, Jeff, and most of all, to my beloved fiend (ooops: that should have read “friend”, heehee) Paul Racey, Paolo, Captain Control-Z, Butterknife, et al – I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, buddy.  Thank you for making my dream possible…I am VERY sore and in physical pain, but that can only mean last night was a RUSH!  🙂

More updates to follow….stay tuned for photos & videos from the concert, as well as the concert DVD in stunning HD!  Check out testimonials of those who attended!

PS “Captive” is now on iTunes!

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