Month: May 2010

May 30th, 2010

There are 6 days until the concert.  Unbelievable how quickly time has flown!  I just returned from church where the Snohomish County Firefighters Pipes & Drums performed and HOLY COW – moved me to tears.  These are real American heroes.  In light of Memorial Day, I salute all veterans, those who have died on the […]

May 18th, 2010

IT IS FINISHED.  I praise God for His awesome power and undeserved providence in this – I’m holding in my hand, right now, a copy of this great CD of deeply personal works spanning 10 years.  I’m incredibly delighted that it’s all done and now, as they say, “in hand.”  WOW.  Thank you Jesus for […]

May 7th, 2010

Mixing is done!  It’s now in the mastering phase, and good things lie in wait for all purchasers…I’m a happy camper.  These songs sound so full and rich…all 15 of them!  11 days until CD Release…  Hats off to Paul Racey for excellent production and mixdown!  The concert approaches…22 days!