January 2010 (1)

ALMOST AT LIVE REHEARSAL PHASE, THEN HI-HO, HI-HO, IT’S TO THE STUDIO WE GO!!!  We are making tremendous progress on this CD project.  I’ve been pretty determined to get this done ASAP, and Paul is doing a fantastic job in providing everything needed to get us there.  We’ve got 15 incredible songs: an eclectic combination that I’m superchargedly (it’s a word) excited about.  Check out some of the key players:

  • Whisper, the haunting 9 minute and 11 second tribute to the heroes and victims of 9/11.  Moreover, this is the 11th song on my 9th personal collection of musical works – a strange and chillingly unplanned coincidence, but that makes it all the more special.
  • Scarlet: a moving portrait of the loneliness and isolation that we as humans can feel, yet there is positive closure and the reminder that hope springs eternal
  • Phoenix: a reflection about rebirth, about the God of second chances, about our new identity once we’re found in Him
  • Conundrum: a peppy rock/pop hit laying bare our human intentions to overcomplicate simple issues like grace…the truth is easier than we think
  • Snow: a soft, mournful plea for forgiveness
  • Embrace: a third-person self-confrontation, advising a much-needed perspective change and a gentle remonstrance to see the good that can result
  • History: a gritty rock hit covering the stewing-over-the-past, with a belief in repair
  • Nana: a fun, peppy, and critical reminder about necessity of letting things roll off one’s back, and going through life with a smile
  • Lush: a beautifully simplistic song by Zach Trandum, fellow artist and confidant…this one is indescribable.

And those are just NINE of the songs!  🙂  There’s Venom, Mama, Bound, Ruler, Millstone, and Man (a tribute to my Pops!).  I am very objective and critical of the music that I create, and I’m absolutely blown away at how well these songs are turning out.  Thank you SO much for your support of this project.  Believe me when I say that I’ve never been more stoked about something I’ve been blessed to be able to create!

We’re now aiming for a release date of May 1st, 2010, with the CD release concert on May 18th, 2010, my birthday.  I’ve also got something very special planned for this concert that is sure to be fun.  So get excited, and we’re pleased to announce that you can now PRE-ORDER YOUR COPY OF THE CD ONLINE!!  Remember that a percentage goes towards the 9/11 Memorials in Manhattan NY, Shanksville PA and Arlington VA, as well as St. Jude’s Children’s Cancer Research Center.

Thank you SO much for your support of this project!

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